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Tell me are you out of your Mind 10k wager per week to claim Code
before it was 0 wager now 10k wager
you realy want me and other German and believe English  Player aswell Quit your Casino!
1st you set Up the Wheel again to Full Rigg Mode!
now you Rigg the Flash Drops!?
it look like our Money that you Win of us every Month its not enough!
now even you try to Rigg the smal Bonuses you gave!
    the only thing that was holding me are the FlashDrops without those i dont see any Worth to Play on BC!
you should Shame!
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When I first hit lvl 38 I got locked bcd for almost a week. Then got like $20 in LTC. Afterwards the $0.5 bcd as usual

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  • 2 weeks later...
12 hours ago, CptObvious1 said:

update, today I responded to a flashdrop did the math for the question mark put it into the code thing and it told me wager too low , I had 11k wagered and it still didn't give it to me , this is just wrong. 

When you go to your bonus dashboard and it shows you your progress for the weekly bonus, did it show $11,000/$1,000 before today? I mean, the weekly bonus just dropped so it wont have last week's info and would've reset recently but I'm only asking because I don't know how else to check the wager amount recorded for the last 7 days and was wondering if that's how you got your wager amount....

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  • Admin

@CptObvious1 Do understand your frustration but you are not being lied to. Integrity and transparency is what we are build on and will always continue to upheld that.

Since wager is rolling wager, there could changes since last you checked vs then.

We are trying more features and also optimise and make current ones better. All feedback is always welcome.

Regarding flashdrops, surely it last few minutes unlike how it was before.


On 3/28/2023 at 3:00 AM, Liquidwalker said:
Tell me are you out of your Mind 10k wager per week to claim Code
before it was 0 wager now 10k wager
you realy want me and other German and believe English  Player aswell Quit your Casino!
1st you set Up the Wheel again to Full Rigg Mode!
now you Rigg the Flash Drops!?
it look like our Money that you Win of us every Month its not enough!
now even you try to Rigg the smal Bonuses you gave!
    the only thing that was holding me are the FlashDrops without those i dont see any Worth to Play on BC!
you should Shame!

This is added bonus  to regular players, rather than a treat to bot users or farmers.  The change is positive if you look deeper.



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I feel you, I have not been able to claim a flash drop all month and I have 35k wagered this month..


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On 4/10/2023 at 12:52 PM, BCGame_Bob said:

@CptObvious1 Do understand your frustration but you are not being lied to. Integrity and transparency is what we are build on and will always continue to upheld that.

Since wager is rolling wager, there could changes since last you checked vs then.

We are trying more features and also optimise and make current ones better. All feedback is always welcome.

Regarding flashdrops, surely it last few minutes unlike how it was before.


This is added bonus  to regular players, rather than a treat to bot users or farmers.  The change is positive if you look deeper.


You wheel is Fake asf ! in almost 3 Year on BC best i got was once 50Doge or Trx once ! 
Wager Based Since you Updated the Wheel 20k Wager 50cent ! 40k Wager 50cent ! right now 97k Wager 50cent hit! 
how much Wager do i need 1 Million to get one time 10$ of the Wheel?? pls this is a Joke 

Also Eggroll im trying for almost 3 Years to hit the EggRoll Medal to get 10/10 Medals and all i spin is always 001 - 800 
i hit so often 001 this is unbelievble! 

you Fixing the FlashDrop dont know what got you in your Mind to put on it Wager cuz you already need to be lvl 38 to claim them all ! 
but on Rain you want put Wager Requiement !?? and of 500000 Rains that are 1-2$ i dont get it ! for Days but when is a 2cent Rain im in ??

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