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Everything posted by nachitobebota

  1. Hello, I am contacting you because BC MAXIM does not respond to me and, honestly, it has never returned the money for cashback #13. I would like to get an answer about my money, it was 81 dollars. I need them and I need to have an answer Hello, I am contacting you because BC MAXIM does not respond to me and, honestly, it has never returned the money for cashback #13. I would like to get an answer about my money, it was 81 dollars. I need them and I need to have an answer CAN ANYONE REPLY ME? ABOUT MY CASHBACK PLEASE, I NEED MY MONEY

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    2. Jolie


      Hi, I'm just another user. 

      U should look for bcgame_pop. Maxim not the one who distribute it.

      I saw the comment of Caledonio, maybe u didn't follow the rule, if base on the rule, u might be fail to get it.

      I'm not MOD or representative here, but seeing u frustrated, u can tele me @joliebc

    3. theoldd


      Amigo, acabo de ver tu post en el cashback #13 y ha sido fallo tuyo por no poner el ticket id. Es lo que hay. Deja de decir que te estan robando o estafando porque es mentira. No has cumplido las reglas, lo siento por ti.... de verdad espero que te lo den... pero esta dificil

    4. nachitobebota


      yo le he avisado a max, pude haber cancelado la apuesta, pero como tuve la respuesta de que no habia problema.. deje todo como estaba


  3. Hello, I want to know if they are going to refund my money, if they don't, I want to know too, so I don't waste any more time claiming. I NEED THAT MONEY, WHY DO THEY PUT CASHBACK IF THEY REALLY ARE NOT GOING TO RETURN ANYTHING TO ME

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  4. Hello, I want to know if they are going to refund my money, if they don't, I want to know too, so I don't waste any more time claiming. I NEED THAT MONEY, WHY DO THEY PUT CASHBACK IF THEY REALLY ARE NOT GOING TO RETURN ANYTHING TO ME
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  5. Hello, I want to know if they are going to refund my money, if they don't, I want to know too, so I don't waste any more time claiming. I NEED THAT MONEY, WHY DO THEY PUT CASHBACK IF THEY REALLY ARE NOT GOING TO RETURN ANYTHING TO ME
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  6. Hello, I want to know if they are going to refund my money, if they don't, I want to know too, so I don't waste any more time claiming. I NEED THAT MONEY, WHY DO THEY PUT CASHBACK IF THEY REALLY ARE NOT GOING TO RETURN ANYTHING TO ME
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  7. Hello, I want to know if they are going to refund my money, if they don't, I want to know too, so I don't waste any more time claiming. I NEED THAT MONEY, WHY DO THEY PUT CASHBACK IF THEY REALLY ARE NOT GOING TO RETURN ANYTHING TO ME
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  8. Hello, I want to know if they are going to refund my money, if they don't, I want to know too, so I don't waste any more time claiming. I NEED THAT MONEY, WHY DO THEY PUT CASHBACK IF THEY REALLY ARE NOT GOING TO RETURN ANYTHING TO ME
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  9. es dinero que he introducido por el cashback, pensando que 48 horas luego del evento iban a devolvermelo, pero me dejaron en ruinas la verdad..

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  10. cual es la respuesta sobre mi cashback #13 NECESITO EL DINERO PARA PAGAR MIS CUENTAS

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  11. mi dineroooooooooooooooooooo mis 81 dolares

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  12. can you answer???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

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  13. Hi where si My money? i neeed it for eat :(

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  14. Good morning! I have everything suitable for cashback #13. I have lost it, and I have not put the ticketID in the forum, which appears in the image with the OPEN. My bet was LOST, and the TICKET ID is 2234562176432091350

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    1. nachitobebota


      I need my money.. several days have passed. It´s pass more than 48hs when the event finished.

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